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Transitions are the moves children make from home to an early learning and childcare (ELC) setting, and later to primary and secondary school and the wider community.

These transitions and changes are an inevitable part of life and an ongoing process. While the majority of children adapt well to change, transitions can be challenging and stressful for some children and parents, but with the right support and preparation smooth transitions can be accomplished.

Staff at Sunshine playschool endeavour to provide children and parents with several introductory sessions, assessing the level of support required and tailoring the transition period to both the child and parents needs.


What parents can do to support transitions.


  • talk to your child about what is going to happen once they start at the setting.

  • encourage your child to ask questions.

  • talk to them about any concerns they may have and be honest with them so they know what to expect.

  • listen to their concerns and if necessary seek advise from your health visitor or other professional.

  • help them to become familiar with the setting, talk about your expectations and what a typical day will look like for the child.

  • reassure your child that you will be back to collect them. If it is to be someone different picking up ensure your child knows who to expect.

  • inform staff of any concerns you have, discussing how best to approach situations with your child if they become upset. 

  • the more information staff have about your child's individual circumstances the better. 

  • be aware of other factors which may be impacting on your child i.e. change in family circumstances, moving house, illness etc and ensure staff are informed. 



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