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Our Learning

Imaginative Play

Imaginative play provides children with opportunities to express thoughts and ideas, to learn practical skills and make sense of the the world. It also allows children to navigate social skills, to learn how to cooperate and problem solve.


Outdoor Play

The use of our outdoor area adds another dimension to children’s learning and allows children to further develop their skills and abilities across all areas. It encourages more risk taking and a greater depth of knowledge and understanding.
Children are encouraged to actively seek out solutions and embrace the opportunity for challenge, using reasoning skills and trial and error. 



Communication is an integral part of children's learning and development. Communication comes in many forms and at Sunshine Playschool we encourage and support children to develop their ability to engage and interact with peers, acknowledging that all behaviour is a form of communication. From stories and songs, to letter recognition and mark making, children have daily opportunities to explore language and literacy.


Our Learning

Maths and numeracy

Children encounter maths and numeracy in all aspects of their daily life and this is continually incorporated in children's play. Through investigating size, amount and measure during water and sand play, numbers and counting through songs and stories and colour, shapes and patterns in their environment, children will develop an understanding of mathematical language and concepts, problem solving and reasoning skills.


Sensory Play

Sensory play is important to a child's development as it builds nerve connections in the brain, which trigger a child’s ability to tackle more complex learning tasks.
Sensory play supports language development, cognition, social and emotional skills and motor development, while supporting memory and problem solving capacity.


Physical play

Through physical play children will develop their gross motor skills, balance and coordination. Children have opportunities to challenge themselves on the climbing frame, balance boards and bikes, as well as using construction and building activities to develop their problem solving and social skills, while exploring with maths and language.

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