Northmuir Hall
Shielhill Road
Sunshine Play School is a Scottish Charity, SC015854, Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)

Play and Learning
Learn & Explore
Play is the basis for all learning and development.
It provides opportunities for physical, emotional, social and psychological development, all of which are critical to a child’s health and wellbeing.
Through play children will learn valuable life skills; flexibility, reasoning, problem solving, communication, creativity, cooperation and resilience. Play allows children to explore feelings and behaviours’, to investigate different ideas and concepts and to develop positive relationships. At Sunshine playschool, we encourage children to share their thoughts and ideas regarding their play, promoting the development of independence, inclusion, respect and responsibility.
Learning is planned around children’s interests, as well as developmental needs, with child led, free flow play emphasised. When children are immersed in their play, then scope for learning is endless. Every day at playschool, children have the ability to explore physical play, arts and crafts, role play, music and movement, literacy, numeracy, imaginative and sensory play.